[fullwidth_text alt_background=”alt-five” el_class=”mb0 mt0 pb0 bt0 no-arrow no-shadow” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”]


Beautifully crafted & exciting,
Dante is a next-level WordPress theme.


Dante is a clean, modern and minimal multi-purpose WordPress theme.
It has a wide range of incredible features and includes $90 worth of goodies…
everything you need to take it to the next level and save money doing it.



[/fullwidth_text] [blank_spacer height=”110px” spacer_id=”mobile” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [spb_text_block pb_margin_bottom=”no” pb_border_bottom=”no” width=”1/3″ el_position=”first”]




Mobile Ready.


Built using the sleek, intuitive, and powerful Bootstrap framework, Dante is mobile ready right from the start. Its responsive, mobile first fluid grid system scales up to 12 columns as the device or viewport size increases.

Dante also come with a Responsive Visibility Shortcode to give you extra control when it comes to your content.

[sf_button colour=”accent” type=”standard” size=”standard” link=”/shortcodes/responsive-visibility/” target=”_self” icon=”” dropshadow=”no” extraclass=””]RESPONSIVE VISIBILITY DEMO[/sf_button]


[/spb_text_block] [spb_single_image image=”11695″ image_size=”full” frame=”noframe” intro_animation=”fade-from-right” full_width=”no” lightbox=”no” link_target=”_self” width=”2/3″ el_position=”last”] [blank_spacer height=”0px” spacer_id=”pagebuilder” el_class=”mb0 mt0 pt0 pb0″ width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [fullwidth_text alt_background=”alt-four” el_class=”mb0 mt0 bt0 bb0 no-arrow” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”]


Powerful yet simple.


Built for all levels of expertise, whether you need simple pages or complex ones,
creating something incredible with Dante is an effortless and intuitive process.





Our Robust Page Builder is easy to use and comes loaded with 44 different elements. It’s easy and quick to create beautiful pages, which you can also save as custom templates.



Beautiful Standard Pages

Sometimes you might want to just dump your content in and be done with it. With this in mind, we’ve crafted our standard pages with an unprecedented attention to detail.



27 Pre-built pages

Need to get up and running quickly? No problem, we’ve loaded Dante with 27 Stunning pages. Just select the one you want, add your content, customise if you want, then publish.



[sf_button colour=”accent” type=”sf-icon-reveal” size=”standard” link=”/tutorials/” target=”_self” icon=”ss-video” dropshadow=”no” extraclass=””]SEE IT IN ACTION[/sf_button]


[/fullwidth_text] [blank_spacer height=”0px” spacer_id=”everything” el_class=”mb0 mt0 pt0 pb0″ width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [spb_text_block pb_margin_bottom=”no” pb_border_bottom=”no” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”]



Everything you need.






We’ve taken great care to ensure that Dante is fully retina-ready. So it’ll look good on any retain display.

[sf_button colour=”accent” type=”standard” size=”standard” link=”/portfolio-one-column-standard-style/portfolio-three-gallery/” target=”_self” icon=”” dropshadow=”no” extraclass=””]SEE SOME NICE THINGS[/sf_button]



Full Shop

Built for WooCommerce 2.0+, Dante includes everything you need to start selling today!

[sf_button colour=”accent” type=”standard” size=”standard” link=”/shop/” target=”_self” icon=”” dropshadow=”no” extraclass=””]SEE THE SHOP IN ACTION[/sf_button]



Loaded with shortcodes

Choose from an incredible selection of beautifully designed and cleverly developed shortcodes.

[sf_button colour=”accent” type=”standard” size=”standard” link=”/shortcodes/accordion-toggles/” target=”_self” icon=”” dropshadow=”no” extraclass=””]CHECK OUT THE SHORTCODES[/sf_button]



[/spb_text_block] [blank_spacer height=”40px” spacer_id=”everything2″ el_class=”mb0 mt0 pt0 pb0″ width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [divider type=”thin” text=”Go to top” full_width=”yes” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [blank_spacer height=”40px” el_class=”mb0 mt0 pt0 pb0″ width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [spb_text_block pb_margin_bottom=”no” pb_border_bottom=”no” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”]



[sf_iconbox image=”ss-globe” character=”” type=”left-icon-alt” title=”100% Translatable” animation=”pop-up” animation_delay=”0″]
Reach a wider audience with Dante, it’s fully translatable using the WPML plugin. English and French translations are included.



[sf_iconbox image=”ss-rows” character=”” type=”left-icon-alt” title=”Mega Menu” animation=”pop-up” animation_delay=”200″]
Sometimes a standard menu just won’t cut it, that’s why Dante allows you to roll out a super slick mega menu.



[sf_iconbox image=”ss-plates” character=”” type=”left-icon-alt” title=”Extensive Theme Options” animation=”pop-up” animation_delay=”400″]
Customise Dante to your hearts content with a plethora of advanced options and settings.
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[sf_iconbox image=”ss-newspaper” character=”” type=”left-icon-alt” title=”10 Blog Types” animation=”pop-up” animation_delay=”0″]
Display your blog posts in a variety of interesting ways; choose from timeline, mini or masonry, each available with sidebars.
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[sf_iconbox image=”ss-picture” character=”” type=”left-icon-alt” title=”7 Portfolio Types” animation=”pop-up” animation_delay=”200″]
When it comes to displaying your work, Dante gives you lots of creative flexibility; from 2 to 4 columns, gallery style and masonry.
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[sf_iconbox image=”ss-highvolume” character=”” type=”left-icon-alt” title=”Promo Bar” animation=”pop-up” animation_delay=”400″]
Set a site wide call to action with our promo bar. Choose from 2 different styles and lots of customisable options.
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[sf_iconbox image=”ss-uploadcloud” character=”” type=”left-icon-alt” title=”Demo Content Install” animation=”pop-up” animation_delay=”0″]
Get up and running at the drop of a hat with our easy demo install process.



[sf_iconbox image=”ss-droplet” character=”” type=”left-icon-alt” title=”Colour Scheme” animation=”pop-up” animation_delay=”200″]
Integrated Colour Scheme system, allowing you to save, export, and quickly swap between any number of colour schemes.
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[sf_iconbox image=”ss-stop” character=”” type=”left-icon-alt” title=”Boxed/Full-width” animation=”pop-up” animation_delay=”400″]
Choose from full-width style or boxed. With boxed you can choose from 99 background images provided, or upload your own.
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[sf_iconbox image=”ss-files” character=”” type=”left-icon-alt” title=”Inner/Out Page Backgrounds” animation=”pop-up” animation_delay=”0″]
Dante allows you to use a different background on every page, if you want to that is.
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[sf_iconbox image=”ss-layers” character=”” type=”left-icon-alt” title=”Mini Header” animation=”pop-up” animation_delay=”200″]
Make it easy for your users to navigate your site with our ever-present mini-header.
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[sf_iconbox image=”ss-compose” character=”” type=”left-icon-alt” title=”Powerful Page Meta” animation=”pop-up” animation_delay=”400″]
Take your customisation a step further with our powerful page, portfolio and blog meta options.
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[/spb_text_block] [blank_spacer height=”20px” spacer_id=”headers” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [fullwidth_text alt_background=”alt-five” el_class=”mt0 mb0 bt0 bb0 no-arrow” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”]


A Header For Every Scenario.


Dante comes with 7 different header types. You can also have a top bar with each one,
for added variation. In addition you can also set the opacity of the header.


Over & Under: Centred Logo


Over & Under: Left Logo


Tab: Single Line


Tab: Double




Standard: Single


Standard: Kitchen Sink



[sf_button colour=”transparent-light” type=”standard” size=”standard” link=”/theme-options-general/theme-options-header/” target=”_self” icon=”” dropshadow=”no” extraclass=””]FULL LIST OF HEADER OPTIONS[/sf_button]


[/fullwidth_text] [blank_spacer height=”0px” spacer_id=”nextlevel” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [spb_text_block pb_margin_bottom=”no” pb_border_bottom=”no” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”]



Next-level features.


Get creative with our wide selection of animations.
Animate your images, animate your icon boxes, animate charts, counters and progress bars.
You can also set the delay time, to synchronise everything.




Animate: Images

Choose from 12 different animations to apply to your images

[sf_button colour=”accent” type=”standard” size=”standard” link=”/shortcodes/animation-images/” target=”_self” icon=”” dropshadow=”no” extraclass=””]SEE EXAMPLES[/sf_button]



Animate: Icon Boxes

Choose from 12 different animations to apply to your icon boxes.

[sf_button colour=”accent” type=”standard” size=”standard” link=”/shortcodes/animation-icon-boxes/” target=”_self” icon=”” dropshadow=”no” extraclass=””]SEE EXAMPLES[/sf_button]



Counters, Charts & Progress bars

Dante lets you put an end to boring statistics!

[sf_button colour=”accent” type=”standard” size=”standard” link=”/shortcodes/charts-progress-bars/” target=”_self” icon=”” dropshadow=”no” extraclass=””]SEE EXAMPLES[/sf_button]



Full-screen video playback

Finally you can let users experience your videos in a way that does them justice

[sf_fullscreenvideo type=”text-button” btntext=”WATCH A VIDEO” imageurl=”” videourl=”http://vimeo.com/35396305″ extraclass=””]




[/spb_text_block] [blank_spacer height=”0px” spacer_id=”video” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [spb_parallax parallax_type=”video” bg_image=”11557″ bg_type=”cover” bg_video_mp4=”https://luringen.se/wp-content/uploads/sites/106/2013/10/crafted_600p.mp4″ bg_video_webm=”https://luringen.se/wp-content/uploads/sites/106/2013/10/crafted_600p.webmhd.webm” bg_video_ogg=”https://luringen.se/wp-content/uploads/sites/106/2013/10/crafted_600p.ogv” parallax_video_height=”content-height” parallax_video_overlay=”none” parallax_image_height=”content-height” alt_background=”none” el_class=”mb0 mt0 bt0 bb0″ width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”]



Video & Image Parallax Backgrounds.


Create stunning Video and Image backgrounds.
Simply upload your image or videos in mp4, webm, and ogv.


[/spb_parallax] [blank_spacer height=”0px” spacer_id=”icons” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [spb_text_block pb_margin_bottom=”no” pb_border_bottom=”no” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”]



Elegant Iconography.


We’re proud to announce that Dante includes 300+ stunning Gizmo icons (worth $50!)
as standard. Better yet, they’re all easily accessible through our shortcodes editor.
Don’t worry, Dante also comes with all 369 icons in Font Awesome 4.0.3.


[sf_button colour=”accent” type=”standard” size=”standard” link=”/shortcodes/iconography/” target=”_self” icon=”” dropshadow=”no” extraclass=””]FIND OUT MORE[/sf_button]


[/spb_text_block] [blank_spacer height=”0px” spacer_id=”customcolour” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [fullwidth_text alt_background=”alt-four” el_class=”mt0 mb0 bt0 pb0 no-arrow” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”]


Custom colours.


Unparalleled access to color properties, a total of
60 different elements that can be customised using the Colorizer.



[/fullwidth_text] [blank_spacer height=”0px” spacer_id=”fonts” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [spb_text_block pb_margin_bottom=”no” pb_border_bottom=”no” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”]



Stunning Typography.


Superior typography with Font Deck, the professional web font solution.
Or choose from 600+ free Google web fonts. Then control the size, line-height and colour.




Choosing a font

Choose from 4 different ways to use typography. All of the are easy and hassle free.

[sf_button colour=”accent” type=”standard” size=”standard” link=”/theme-options-general/theme-options-fonts/” target=”_self” icon=”” dropshadow=”no” extraclass=””]SEE ALL FONT OPTIONS[/sf_button]






Use real text with professional typefaces optimised for the web. Fontdeck is standards compliant and accessible & works on all modern browsers inc Internet Explorer 5+, Firefox 3.5+, Safari 3+, Chrome, Opera 10+, Android, Blackberry and Apple iOS devices (the iPhone & iPad).

[sf_button colour=”accent” type=”standard” size=”standard” link=”http://fontdeck.com” target=”_self” icon=”” dropshadow=”no” extraclass=””]VISIT FONTDECK[/sf_button]



Font size Options

You can then control the font size, colour and line-height for the menu, body, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 & H6.

[sf_button colour=”accent” type=”standard” size=”standard” link=”/theme-options-general/theme-options-font-sizing/” target=”_self” icon=”” dropshadow=”no” extraclass=””]TELL ME MORE[/sf_button]




[/spb_text_block] [blank_spacer height=”0px” spacer_id=”sliders” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [fullwidth_text alt_background=”alt-four” el_class=”mt0 mb0 bt0 bb0 pb0 no-arrow” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”]


Premium Sliders.


Dante comes with 3 fantastic sliders; The Revolution Slider, The Layer Slider and our own Swift Slider.




Revolution Slider



Layer Slider



Swift Slider





[/fullwidth_text] [blank_spacer height=”0px” spacer_id=”support” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [fullwidth_text alt_background=”none” el_class=”mb0 t0 bb0 no-shadow no-arrow” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”]


Free Support & Updates.


We pride ourselves on our quick-response support,
but don’t take our word for it – here’s what our customers have to say.

[/fullwidth_text] [testimonial_slider text_size=”normal” item_count=”6″ order=”rand” category=”All” autoplay=”yes” alt_background=”none” el_class=”mt0 bt0 bb0 no-shadow” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [blank_spacer height=”60px” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”]
